Change in Blog Service
Fantasy Fans,
We've changed to a different blog service, so this blog is no longer being updated.
Go to and you'll see the new look!
Fantasy Fans,
We've changed to a different blog service, so this blog is no longer being updated.
Go to and you'll see the new look!
TIPS is a fan-driven fantasy baseball advice blog sponsored by While operated by a group of lead writers, the essence of TIPS lies in the hands of YOU -- the everyday fantasy baseball enthusiast.
Beginning March 1, 2008, TIPS will begin publishing the best user-submitted blog entries on a weekly basis. If you've ever wanted the chance to share with the public your fantasy intelligence, here's your best chance!
We're especially interested in blog entries that reveal an incredible sense of humor or an uncanny ability to provide intriguing, sabermetrics-based analysis. You may submit blog entries or advice questions to
The Green Marine template by Ian Main - Converted to Blogger Template by Blogcrowds