Fantasy Baseball Tips

The fantasy mlb tips blog is a project that we have undertaken to provide tips, hints and strategy advice for fantasy baseball players out there. With the season coming around soon, fantasy baseball enthusiasts have questions, thoughts and ideas and we would like this to be a forum to express those. There will be fantasy baseball draft advice, and advice on all the tactics you can use in order to get you to be successful in your league in the 2008 baseball season. The tips we will attempt to provide will be based on the latest baseball news, and speaking of that, you can always get the latest fantasy news at So get ready...stay tuned for some of the best fantasy baseball advice you will find out there!



  1. Anonymous said,

    This is a great idea, thanks a lot for doing this guys! I typically have a lot of questions regarding my fantasy baseball lineup. Last year, I got completely destroyed in my leagues because I really didn't know what I was doing. Towards the end of last season though, I started searching for advice, tips, strategies etc to help my baseball league. I'll be having a lot of questions....that is guaranteed! Good luck guys!

    on January 16, 2008 at 10:58 AM